Instrument Manager System Preventative Maintenance (volume 1)

Tips & Tricks

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Instrument Manager is a robust software application with a proven track record of operational stability. However, as with any software solution, there are recommended practices that, if performed proactively, can help reduce the risk of unexpected operational interruptions and promote improved performance. This Tips & Tricks notification is the first in a series of preventative maintenance recommendations to help increase the chances of proactively identifying potential issues before they turn into bigger problems.

The list of suggestions has been organized by the Data Innovations’ Customer Service Team from some of the most common issues reported and the understanding of what could have helped prevent them. These topics cover a wide range topics from Operating System changes to functionality within the application that you may not be aware of.


Data Innovations is constantly striving to improve our product offerings. DI delivers a core software upgrade and a maintenance release once a year. Both types of updates provide customers with new or improved functionality as well as corrections and performance upgrades. In addition, Driver issues are fixed when identified or reported, and enhancements are added to drivers throughout the year. Being on the latest driver or core version may provide that new feature you are looking for, or address an issue you have been experiencing. We encourage you to check our website frequently to see what updates are available and review the Driver Update emails distributed on the DI Tips & Tricks email listserv. Review all of the DI email notification listservs and suggest them to others in your organization.


Updating your Operating System (OS) with Microsoft (MS) provided updates will proactively address OS issues that MS has identified. MS addresses possible security concerns with the security updates published by Microsoft on a regular basis. With the recent well publicized ransomware attacks and increasing risk of similar malware, remaining current on OS and other application (i.e. anti-virus) releases is strongly recommended.

DI validates MS OS patches to ensure they will not cause any problem with your system. Rebooting your system after applying a MS OS patch is an added benefit to overall system health.

We are recommending that customers apply the monthly update when it is released by Microsoft. DI will test the patches as well and post the testing summary in the DI Customer Web Portal (CWP) as a Knowledge Topic within 21 days of the patch releases. DI also sends out a notification email (Tips & Tricks listserv) once the validation of the patches is complete. The Data Innovations notification includes instructions on the proper sequence of steps to apply a patch (specifically, shut down IM and Cache before running the patch and be sure to reboot the system after the patch is applied).


Make sure to always perform the Instrument Manager shut down procedure and then stop Cache before bringing the system down for a hardware reboot. This sequence of events is necessary to ensure that Instrument Manager and Cache have time to do all the shutdown steps before the system turns off. Failing to follow this order of steps, could result in corruption of the data or a number of other issues. Refer to the Instrument Manager’s Troubleshooting Guide for more information on the proper technique to shut down an Instrument Manager system.

For questions related to the topics above, please contact Data Innovations’ Customer Support for your regional location.

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